The Board Certified Medication Therapy Management Specialist (BCMTMS) program has been accredited by the distinguished National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA), a prominent third-party organization recognized for its accreditation of certification programs that meet and adhere to its exacting standards.
Established in 1977, the NCCA has been instrumental in safeguarding public health, welfare, and safety by endorsing programs that evaluate professional competence and confer certifications and credentials. To attain NCCA accreditation, programs must successfully undergo a thorough peer-review process and demonstrate compliance with the stringent Standards for the Accreditation of Certification Programs.
By securing national accreditation, the BCMTMS program has received impartial, third-party confirmation of its adherence to widely accepted national credentialing standards concerning development, implementation, and maintenance. Consequently, the National Board of Medication Therapy Management (NBMTM) has earned a prestigious position among an elite group of organizations.